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Text File | 1993-11-10 | 33.8 KB | 1,142 lines |
- U2-08: OS/2 Programs
- ----------------------
- #4695 Clocks/Calendars Small Programs Disk
- ----------------------
- ClkCal
- $0
- displays an enlarged clock and a perpetual calendar as one session under OS/2.
- Gpsclock (GPSCLCK)
- IBM Corp.
- $?
- is a simple digital clock for OS/2 1.3+.
- ItsNow!
- Foster, Theo
- $10-$15
- provides day, date, and time on the OS/2 desktop using a space-saving one
- line display.
- Metz Time OS/2 1.0 (TIMEOS2)
- Landon, Tom
- $0
- is a moveable, popup, digital date/time clock for OS/2 1.1+. It will keep itself
- on top of other windows so that it is always visible.
- MJog OS/2 2.16P (MJOGOS2)
- The Cove Software Group
- $0
- is an appointment reminder program for OS/2 that is fast and easy to use.
- PMCalend 1.1 (PMCALND)
- Campanella, Donna
- $10
- is an OS/2-PM calendar/clock with alarm and file date stamp.
- PM-Clk
- is a Presentation Manager clock for OS/2 as seen in IBM ads.
- Timeline 1.20.01 (TL-OS2)
- $0
- is a digital clock for PM and desktops.
- --------------------------------
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- #2563 "Desktop" Programs Small Programs Disk
- ------------------------
- Bitmap
- Ridges, John
- $0
- is a picture reader extension for DESKPIC. It allows DESKPIC to read the new
- Windows 3.0 style bitmap.
- DeskANI
- Ridges, John
- $0
- contains four built-in animated desktops for the ANIMATE Animated desktop
- program, re-compiled as animated desktop extensions for use with DESKPIC.
- DskDSS
- Ridges, John
- $0
- is a set of seven screen saver extensions for DESKPIC.
- DskExt
- Ridges, John
- $0
- allows you to write a Desktop Picture Reader Extension and Desktop Screen Saver
- Extension.
- Metz FreeMem OS/2 1.0 (FM-OS2)
- Landon, Tom
- $0
- is a moveable, popup, free memory display for OS/2 1.XX. It will keep itself on
- top of other windows so that it is always visible.
- PM DeskTop 1.2 (PMDSKTP)
- Massena, Darrin
- $0
- is currently most useful for putting fancy images on the desktop background
- and to generally impress and amaze your friends with how cool OS/2 PM is.
- Shutdwn
- Hipschman, Chuck
- $?
- invokes the Desktop Managers Shutdown action. C source code is included.
- TrashCan 1.03 (TRSHCAN)
- $0
- provides a Mac-like trashcan function for OS/2.
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- --------------------
- #1549 File Utilities Small Programs Disk
- --------------------
- Backup/2 1.01 (BACKUP2)
- Adams, Richard W. ASP
- $10
- makes fast and intelligent file backups. It only copies files which don't exist
- on the target drive, or whose date-time stamps are later than those of existing
- target files. Options are available to clear archive bits, check volume labels,
- and backup from multiple directories.
- Changer/2 1.01 (CHANGR2)
- Adams, Richard W. ASP
- $5
- changes words or phrases in text files without the need to run an editor.
- Options are available to change files in multiple directories, and to change
- hidden and read only files. Built in safety features are provided to prevent
- data corruption.
- Dentist
- Dynalink Technologies Inc.
- $40
- is an OS/2 executable file formatter and resource extractor. You can use it to
- examine the structure of an OS/2 executable and to regenerate the original
- resource script and the original resources for the file.
- Dual Dump File Utility (DDUMP)
- Laforet, Christopher
- $15
- is an OS/2 file utility. It will let you search for character patterns, make
- minor changes in ASCII or hex, browse the file, or compare two files. It will
- work from the OS/2 command line or from a text window in PM.
- Look
- Sandberg, Thomas
- $0
- is a full-screen file display program for OS/2.
- Sort
- Dean, James L.
- $0
- is an OS/2 sort filter for large files. C source included.
- Split-File 1.10 (SPLTFIL)
- Perry, Don
- $0
- is a file splitting utility that works under protected mode OS/2 as well as
- under DOS. This program has a myriad of options. For instance, when writing to
- floppies, you have the option of clearing the entire target floppy before
- writing, determining a reserve amount of space to be left on the diskette and
- more. You can optionally specify that the target diskettes or files only be
- split at the end of a line when splitting text files.
- UdelOS
- Sandberg, Thomas
- $10
- is an OS/2 utility that will allow deleting files from multiple directories, the
- delete can be confirmed or no confirm option can be used.
- 1549 Directory Listers
- ----------------------
- Comp 6.7
- Ventimiglia, Les J.
- $10
- is an easy way to compare a complete directory tree against another. It
- supports the long filenames of OS/2's HPFS.
- List Date (LISTDAT)
- is a simple OS/2 directory lister that can be used to view the three
- file dates stored under OS/2 1.2 HPFS volumes. The three dates stored
- are date created, last written and last access.
- SDir-TC
- Cash, Ted E.
- $0
- will sort and display the contents of a directory or disk in a variety of ways
- under OS/2. We have renamed the program because of similar names in the
- library.
- UDir
- Sandberg, Thomas
- $10
- is an expanded OS/2 directory command that allows you to list a directory of all
- files, in all subdirectories. Wild cards are allowed and the listing can be
- from one to five columns wide.
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- ------------------------
- #4854 Graphics Utilities Small Programs Disk
- ------------------------
- AddIcon 1.1
- Sipples, Timothy F.
- $?
- lets you attach icons to OS/2 files from the command line.
- AIcons
- $0
- is a collection of 18 icons for OS/2 2.0.
- Bitmap Viewer (BMPVIEW)
- Leonard, Bill
- $0
- is an OS/2 utility for viewing BMP files.
- Clip 1.1b (CLIP-DG)
- Gilbert, Dennis
- $20
- is an OS/2 PM program that you can use to capture all or selected portions of
- the PM screen to the clipboard. Clip can also view bitmaps placed in the system
- clipboard by other programs. Clip can even compress TIFF and PostScript files.
- Dragon (DRAGBMP)
- $0
- is a background bitmap of an Oriental tapestry depicting two
- dragons in a garden.
- Eagle
- $0
- is a bitmap of the American Bald Eagle with The Flag in the
- background.
- Eyecon2
- Ridges, John
- $0
- is a very silly pointer tracking program for OS/2 Presentation Manager.
- OS265P
- $0
- is a 1026x768 BMP of the OS/2 logo.
- ShowBMP 2.12
- $0
- is a bitmap file viewer. It displays bitmap, icon, or pointer files.
- Features include screen capture, copy and paste, and color dithering.
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- -------------------------------
- #2248 Presentation Manager Pgms. Small Programs Disk
- -------------------------------
- Animate
- Ridges, John
- $0
- is an animated desktop program for OS/2 PM. Choices for animation are a
- fireworks display, a bouncing geometric figure, moving stars, and a changing
- wallpaper display. There is a screen saver option as well.
- Asteroid 1.0 (AST-PM)
- B. Crowe, Todd B.
- $0
- is a Presentation Manager implementation of the original Asteriods game.
- FatBits
- Ridges, John
- $0
- is a screen pixel, magnification program for OS/2 Presentation Manager. It
- magnifies a 16 x 16 pixel area at the mouse pointer into a window along
- with window sizing and menu magnification control.
- IfFull
- Lieber, Dick
- $0
- is an OS/2 utility that sets errorlevel to indicate full-screen application,
- real-mode process, VIO windowable application, Presentation Manager application
- or detached application.
- Murphy, Gary
- $15
- is an improved replacement for the OS/2 DiskCopy program. It will make multiple
- copies from one read, and since it is a PM application, it can be monitored as
- work continues on other PM applications.
- PMmaze
- Dean, James L.
- $0
- lets you generate and solve mazes under Presentation Manager. OS/2 1.1 and a
- color monitor are required. C source is included.
- PMEyes
- is an OS/2 PM program that creates an Icon resembling two eyeballs. The eyes
- follow the mouse pointer wherever it moves. The eyes may be enlarged and their
- colors changed.
- Ogle, D.
- $0
- is a Presentation Manager pattern generator.
- PM Solitaire (PM-SOL)
- is a Presentation Manager Solitaire Game for OS/2.
- RamScope 2.0 (RAMSCOP)
- Farpoint Software
- $35
- is a debugging tool written specifically for the OS/2 Presentation Manager. Its
- purpose is to allow you to do something that is not normally allowed for a user
- (i.e. ring 2 or ring 3) program: You can roam freely through all of the
- system's physical memory space without regard for segment limits, access
- privilege, or descriptor tables.
- Shopping List 1.0 (SLPM)
- Blunden, Steve
- $0
- is a simple shopping list application under OS/2 PM. It can be used as a
- basis for future list processing programs or just as is. C source
- included.
- Syscols 2.0
- Campanella, Donna
- $15
- lets you configure the PM's system colors. Sample color templates are
- provided, with exotic names such as Seascape, Blueberry, Forest, and Flame.
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- ----------------
- #4694 OS/2 Games Small Programs Disk
- ----------------
- Clicker! 0.01 (CLICKR!)
- Sparago, Peter
- $0
- is a pre-school game for Presentation Manager. It pops up random Sesame
- Street characters and requires the child to click on the "grouchy" one.
- Dungeon Chess 2.0 (DUNCHES)
- $0
- is a graphical adventure game for OS/2 2.0.
- JumpEm
- $0
- is a native 32-bit OS/2 peg-jumping puzzle game.
- Las Vegas Craps (CRP-OS2)
- Ankerson, Troy
- $?
- is a 32-bit craps game for OS/2 2.0. Online help provides rules of the
- game, useful tips, and betting strategies.
- Minefield (MF-OS2)
- $0
- is a version of the classic Minefield game for PM.
- Mah Jongg Solitaire 1.0 (MJS-OS2)
- SyncroSoft
- $20-$25
- is a solitaire game with 144 tiles stacked in a "dragon". A mouse is
- required.
- TrashMan 1.1 (TM-OS2)
- CoralSoft, Inc.
- $0
- is an ecology-oriented arcade game for OS/2. Your job is to clean up the
- trash, while advancing to more difficult levels. 50 different levels are
- provided, and high scores are recorded.
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- -------------------------
- #1950 OS/2 Misc.Utilities Small Programs Disk
- -------------------------
- Extract2 1.4
- FreeLance Programming
- $10
- is an unarchiver for OS/2. It supports PKZip and Lharc files.
- Gone2
- $0
- blocks all keyboard and mouse inputs till a password is keyed in.
- Inibak
- Eager, Bob
- $0
- is an OS/2 device driver that lets you back up OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI. Source
- code is included.
- Load
- Yoder, Rick
- $0
- loads an OS/2 program as a presentation manager icon. C source code is
- included.
- MagCom
- Gilmore Systems
- $0
- is a no-frills comm program for OS/2. It supports Xmodem, Xmodem-CRC, Xmodem-1k,
- Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Zmodem, and crash recovery on aborted Zmodem downloads. (The
- author can no longer be reached at the address provided in the documentation.)
- OS/2 Resource Monitor 1.0 (OSRM)
- C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
- $40-$70
- lets you observe system resource contention and consumption in a real-time
- environment and provides the OS/2 user or administrator a data collector in
- which system resource usage trends can be stored and analyzed.
- Pages
- runs under OS/2 and DOS, and demonstrates the use of video paging under
- both operating systems. This program is presented as a demo of possibilities
- for page flipping under OS/2, and not as a full fledged utility.
- PMStart
- Pezzi, Massimo
- $0
- is a command that allow you to start a new session using almost all the
- capability of the DosStartSession OS2 function.
- XTime
- Walton, Aaron
- $0
- is an OS/2 program to auto-start any other OS/2 program at any given time.
- Source code is included.
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
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- #3210 OS/2 Misc. Utilities #2 Small Programs Disk
- -----------------------------
- COM3
- $0
- is a COM01.SYS driver that lets you use a third or fourth serial port under
- OS/2. It supports a mouse on COM1, and serial devices on COM2 and COM3.
- Globally/2 1.11 (GLOBAL2)
- Adams, Richard W. ASP
- $5
- executes a command or program in multiple directories. It can execute in all
- directories or just current and subordinate directories.
- KATCalc 1.0
- The KAT Works
- $30
- is a programmable, graphing calculator for the OS/2 Presentation Manager. It
- performs most trigonometric functions including cosine, sine, and tangent. Also
- available are many programmer functions including hexadecimal arithmetic, and
- decimal-hexadecimal conversions.
- PMZip 1.0
- Mak, Niko
- $25
- is a ZIP file manager for the OS/2 Presentation Manager. It features an
- SAA/CUA compatible interface for adding, deleting, extracting, and viewing
- members of a ZIP file, extensive context-sensitive on-line help, push buttons
- for the most used actions, a file search function and more.
- Renamer/2 1.01 (RENAMR2)
- Adams, Richard W. ASP
- $5
- provides a quick and easy way to rename directories.
- $0
- provides access to the OS/2 Communications Manager APPC Application
- Programming Interface from REXX programs.
- Rows 1.0
- The Cove Software Group
- $0
- is an OS/2 command-line utility that sets various VGA screen sizes from 12 to 60
- lines per screen. In character mode it sets the physical screen size and loads a
- new font; in a window, it sets a logical screen size.
- ShiftRun 1.3 (SHIFTRU)
- Harris, Michael
- $0
- allows you to run any OS/2 full screen program while OS/2 is booting.
- Shredder 2.0 (SHREDDR)
- Adams, Richard W.
- $15
- is a PM program that securely erases sensitive files by physically overwriting
- them before deleting them. It has many options.
- VMB_ENV 1.0
- Hogman, Bruce E.
- $0
- starts a DOS session and passes an ENVIRONMENT constructed from a
- user-specified ASCII text file containing a list of variables to SET.
- Wait 1.10 (WAIT-OS)
- The Cove Software Group
- $0
- is a wait utility for OS/2 that waits for a specified amount of time, until a
- specified date/time, or until a specified process or session has terminated.
- It will then terminate or execute a specified command.
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- -----------------------------
- #4392 OS/2 Misc. Utilities #3 Small Programs Disk
- -----------------------------
- DiskStat 1.0 (DSKSTAT)
- Oberon Software
- $0
- provides a continually updated list of statistics for a specified disk drive.
- This information includes drive letter, volume label, installed file system for
- the disk, size of the disk in bytes, number of bytes available, disk space usage
- as a percent, and size of the swapper file if the specified disk contains the
- system swapper file.
- FFP 1.1
- Oberon Software
- $0
- is a file finder for OS/2.
- File Find 1.43 (FF-0S2)
- Polozoff, Alexandre
- $0
- is a 32-bit file finding utility for OS/2 2.0. Features include searching
- down subdirectories, support for HPFS and FAT drives, wildcard support and
- the ability to find subdirectories and system/hidden files.
- FSHL 1.25
- Oberon Software
- $34
- will enhance the functionality of the default OS/2 command interpreter, CMD. It
- features command recall and editing. You can define aliases (macros). It offers
- several new internal commands and adds new features to standard ones.
- L40Temp
- IBM Corp.
- $0
- is a PM temperature monitor for the IBM PS/2 L40 SX battery and the
- ambient temperature inside the PS/2's case.
- RSCopy
- Sovitzky, Rick
- $0
- is a backup utility. It copies files when the source file is newer than
- target file, or when the source does not exist.
- Walker, Bryan
- $0
- allow you to start a native DOS image file from the OS/2 command line.
- #4392 Keyboard/Mouse
- --------------------
- Lockboot (LOCBOOT)
- Azzarito, Doug
- $?
- activates a hidden feature in the OS/2 2.0 Workplace shell that will
- automatically lockup your keyboard during bootup.
- Mouse Odometer 1.0 (ODOMET)
- $0
- tracks the distance moved by your mouse pointer and displays the total and
- session distances. This information could be useful in maintaining the
- cleanliness of your mouse.
- Rodent
- Finney, Michael Lee
- $15
- is a mouse driver for 2 and 3 button mice . Low battery detection for
- Logitech radio mice is provided during system boot. The actual mouse
- resolution can be specified.
- SpdKey
- $0
- is a command line utility to change the repeat rate and repeat delay to a
- specific speed.
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- #12166 OS/2 Misc. Utilities #4 Small Programs Disk
- ------------------------------
- Browse/2 1.33 (BROWSE2)
- Wolf, Jeannine ASP
- $25
- is an OS/2 Presentation Manager file viewer. It displays files of any size in
- ASCII or hexadecimal format with both horizontal and vertical scrolling. The
- file, or selected portions of it, can be copied to the Presentation Manager
- clipboard or output to a printer. A search feature locates words or phrases and
- displays them in context. User options include a choice of display fonts and
- sizes, line numbering, tab stop intervals and printer controls.
- O2D 1.1
- Hogman, Bruce E.
- $0
- lets an OS/2 program, CMD or REXX invoke a DOS batch file and wait for
- its termination.
- Sleep
- Edgar, Paul
- $0
- pauses a program for a specified amount of time.
- Workplace Shell Backup Utility (WPSBKUP)
- Lester, Dave
- $15
- will backup status and configuration data for the OS/2 2.0 general availability
- WorkPlace Shell.
- XFeel 1.1b
- Hof, Markus and Fischer, Roman
- $0
- activates a window just by moving the mouse over it.
- 12166 Sound Utilities
- ---------------------
- OS/2 Sound Sample Player (OS2SND)
- $0
- is a command line utility to play sounds samples through the speaker on
- O/2. C source is included.
- TunePlayer 1.0 (TUNEPLA)
- CoralSoft, Inc.
- $0
- plays tunes created with the OS/2 Tune Editor. C source included.
- ---------------------------------
- ---------------------------------
- -------------------------
- #12425 Printing Utilities Small Programs Disk
- -------------------------
- FlexText 1.1 (FLEXTXT)
- Extension Software
- $29
- prints ASCII files or reports in a variety of fonts and page
- configurations. It prints multiple pages per sheet. Any installed
- outline fonts may be used. There is a wide selection of character sizes.
- Information can be added to documents such as the page number, filename,
- and time stamp. It translates ANSI control characters found in IBM
- mainframe report files.
- IBM4019
- Callihan, Phil
- $0
- is an OS/2 IBM4019 printer file printing program. It produces software listings
- for multiple files that fit in 3 ring binders, look professional and are easy to
- use. An index is produced to use with the printed files.
- PMEnv 1.1
- Briccetti, Dave
- $0
- prints envelopes using any OS/2 printer. Type the addresses in multi-line edit
- fields, and save them. The C language source is included which uses
- multi-threaded device-independent printing, queued device contexts, profile
- management, dialog box handling, multi-line edit controls, and on-line help
- using IPF.
- PS-Up 2.41
- Knight Research
- $0
- is a PostScript text formatter for OS/2 PM 1.1+. It prints text files (eg:
- source code, ReadMe files) at 1, 2, or 4 pages per sheet. Features include
- date and time, page and line numbering, binding margins, watermarks,
- borders, and more. A Postscript printer is required.
- TXT2PS (08-93 CD)
- IBM Corp.
- $0
- lets you print non-PS files on a PostScript printer in OS/2.
- ---------------------------------
- ---------------------------------
- ---------------------------
- #2460 System Utilities/Info. Small Programs Disk
- ---------------------------
- CPU Load Monitor 1.0 (CPULOAD)
- $0
- monitors and displays the CPU usage patterns of an OS/2 system.
- CvtBMP
- $0
- is an OS/2 utility to convert Win 3 BMP files to PM BMP files.
- CvtIcon
- Nickerson, Kevin
- $?
- will convert Windows 3.0 icons to OS/2 format. Includes source code in C.
- Dsize (DSIZOS2)
- SPW Consulting
- $0
- displays the number of files and bytes in each directory on a specified disk.
- Kill
- allows you to kill processes in OS/2.
- Memsize 1.42
- Papo, Rick
- $?
- displays your system's free memory and disk space, and monitors the swap file's
- size and potential for growth. It also can monitor CPU loading and total disk
- space used for spool-files. C source code is included.
- Memstat 2.04
- Jones, Greg
- $0
- displays the current amount of available memory, the size of the swap file and
- the amount of free space on the swap drive under OS/2 2.x.
- Mem_OS2
- Schiffman, Harve
- $0
- uses the multitasking ability of OS/2 to bring up a number of threads which
- execute concurrently and enable the user to more closely monitor the memory
- demands of the system.
- OnExit
- Fishman, Rick
- $0
- runs a command file or EXE file when you invoke shutdown.
- OX2
- Cocula, John W.
- $0
- is an OS/2 device driver which directs AUX-output to the monochrome monitor in a
- two-monitor system. The main use of this driver is to direct messages to the
- secondary monitor from a program which otherwise doesn't have a console-like
- device at its disposal. Assembler source is included.
- ReBoot (BOOTOS2)
- is a utility to reboot an OS/2 system from a batch file or DOS command line.
- Includes source code in MASM and C. Uses device driver approach to grab reboot
- vector.
- Running 1.2
- provides a listing of all processes currently being used by OS/2, including
- their PID, their PARENT PID, the internal module ID #, the number of children
- processes, the number of threads currently running in each process, and
- dependency links to resources. Also included is a utility which attempts to
- kill the process that you indicate on the command line.
- Space 1.0 (SPACEKL)
- Ledbetter, Keith ASP
- $0
- provides a display of free space available on all of your drives. It is network
- compatible.
- System Resource Monitor 1.41 (SRM)
- Papo, Rick
- $0
- displays the system's free memory and disk space, and monitors the swapping
- file's size and potential for growth. It also monitor's CPU loading and total
- disk space used for spool-files. Source code is included.
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- ---------------------------
- #4770 Video Utilities/Other Small Programs Disk
- ---------------------------
- 4770 Video
- ----------
- Lines
- Schiffman, Harve
- $0
- is an OS/2 utility that toggles the VGA between the 25- and 50-line modes.
- Nikon II 1.3 (NIKON2)
- Bitware, Software & Services
- $55
- is a 32-bit screen capture utility for OS/2 2.0. Files ma be saved in PCX, GIF,
- TIFF, OS/2 1.x or 2.x, or Windows 3 format.
- OS2Gif 1.0
- Huebsch, James C.
- $0
- is a non-PM OS/2 application to display GIF files on EGA or VGA. OS2GIF
- supports a virtual screen larger than the physical video screen which allows
- panning over the image.
- Rommel, Kai Uwe
- $0
- displays the date/time and also blanks the screen after an adjustable
- time.
- VFont2
- ClySmic Software
- $0
- is an OS/2 utility that loads replacement text-mode fonts for VGA systems; it
- includes two variations of a modern font, and a handwritten scrawl font.
- 4770 Other
- ----------
- EditINI 1.00
- Seaburg, Gunnar P.
- $?
- is an editor which can be used to view and change text entries in the OS2.INI
- and OS2SYS.INI keyed files.
- Dir Size Info for OS/2 (DRSZOS2)
- Ledbetter, Keith ASP
- $0
- allows you to easily determine the total size in both files and bytes of any
- directory. It supports either FAT or HPFS file system.
- SFOS2 1.0
- Campanella, Donna
- $15
- allows you to set the Special Function keys and the Comma/Period Lock key on
- the Northgate OmniKey Ultra Keyboard.
- Trantor
- Trantor Systems, Inc.
- $0
- is a set of drivers for the Trantor T128, T228, T338, T348, and T130B
- SCSI host adapter cards and OS/2 2.0.
- OS2Bks
- $0
- is a list of OS/2 books in print as of March 8, 1990.
- OS/2 Tools Directory (OS2TLS)
- $0
- is a list of the OS/2 development tools and applications.
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- Active Life-OS2
- $149
- #1935
- is an advanced time-management system for OS/2 Presentation Manager.
- Alarm Clock 2.0
- Walker, Bryan
- $0
- #4672
- is an alarm clock and calendar for OS/2. Included on the disk are versions
- in German, Spanish and Dutch.
- Deskpic
- Ridges, John
- $0
- #2656
- is a desktop picture and screen saver program for OS/2 Presentation Manager.
- There are options for picture tiling and a browse button for picture path.
- Instructions and sample code are included for writing your own desktop picture
- reader, screen saver, or animated desktop extensions. It can read four
- different picture file types, includes 14 screen savers, and six animated
- desktops. The program has also been minimized to an icon when the desktop
- picture is disabled. This allows the use of the screen saver even though you
- may have some other program that needs the desktop.
- Ezos
- Chambers, Pam
- $10
- #2745
- is an all purpose shell program for DOS and OS/2. It contains many functions not
- found in the system, such as definable function keys, prompted
- copy/rename/delete, change diskette support if target gets filled, remove
- command to remove files (uninstall software, mirror image disks, etc.), an
- editor/browser, and lots more.
- Galleria 1.1
- Bitware, Software & Services
- $55-$75
- #4829
- allows you to display, edit and convert bitmap graphic files. It
- supports monochrome and 16 shades of grayscale and color. Other
- functions include cropping, resizing, and printing at various
- resolutions.
- INIMaint 2.1k [INMNT21G]
- Carry Associates
- $30
- #20320/4685 [2 disks] (12-93 CD)
- makes it easy to display and manage INI files.
- Inventory Capture Facility 1.70
- LanTelligence Corporation
- $105
- #12128
- is a PC system inventory program. The program reports on programs installed,
- network data, memory, cmos, other system information and what microchannel
- boards are installed and you can manually enter data as well.
- ISpell Lite 2.0
- Ham, John Gatewood
- $0
- #4671
- is a spell checking program for OS/2 fashioned after the Unix ispell 2.0
- program. This text mode application is for use on text files. It recognizes
- ordinary TeX commands and ignores them for use with emtex.
- Little Black Book/2 1.20 [LBB2_120]
- Johnson, James E. Jr.
- $10
- #12678 (12-93 CD)
- is a personal information manager for OS/2 2.0 PM. It will store and
- allow you to manipulate names, addresses, phone numbers, and other
- information about groups of individuals. It can store up to five
- different groups of people in each phone book. It has a phone dialer,
- and prints mailing labels for any individual or group selected.
- LogiCOMM
- Logistique LMM
- $35
- #2202
- is a communications program for OS/2. Features include a 200-entry dialing
- library; dialing queues and automatic redial; telephone access code
- capabilities; keyboard macros; and common file transfer protocols (XModem,
- XModem 1k, YModem, YModem-G, CompuServe QuickB protocol). It also has
- background communications capabilities and the ability to run simultaneous
- communications sessions. It has extensive on-line help facility and
- user-defined hot keys.
- LstPM 1.05
- Oberon Software
- $20
- #12276
- is a file viewer for Presentation Manager. Support is provided for text
- files with 32,767+ lines and hex views of files with 524,287+ bytes. It
- also features the ability to remember last screen position, size,
- contents of its picklist, and last viewed file. This is compatible with
- OS/2 2.0
- Mah Jongg 2.0G
- Wetzel, Bernd
- $25
- #12284
- is a variant of a popular chinese game. Features include hypertext
- on-line help, mouse support, multiple tile symbols and board types,
- tournament mode, statistics, help for moves, and game saving. Requires
- OS/2 2.0+.
- Microsoft OS/2 Consultants Directory
- $0
- Microsoft Corp.
- #4848
- is directory of OS/2 consultants compiled by Microsoft. Brief descriptions of
- experience and client lists are included. The list is divided into five U.S.
- regions plus Canada, Europe and Asia.
- OS20Memu 1.0
- Brew, Glenn & Cook, Ross L.
- $?
- #12016
- displays a snapshot of the current memory usage in an OS/2 2.0 system. Other
- information includes application names, total Vdisk size, shared memory,
- amount swapped, and more.
- OS2YOU 2.7
- Wahlgren, Mikael
- $30
- #3049
- allows remote operation of any OS/2 full screen text session and the DOS
- compatibility boxes, over an asynchronous line, a pipe or a remote pipe. The
- program may be used in two different modes as a stand alone or called from
- your own program.
- PM2You
- Wahlgren, Mikael
- $260
- #20182 [3 Disks]
- allows remote control of the OS/2 PM Desktop plus OS/2 and DOS full
- screen text sessions. Features include terminal emulators for DOS,
- Windows 3.0, OS/2, and OS/2 PM; communication support via asynchronous
- line, X.25, ISDN and networks using named pipes, netBIOS or mailslots;
- password protected logon validation with callback processing and manual
- authorization; and compatibility with most terminal programs, using
- public terminal emulation specifications.
- Terminal/2 2.2 is on the 3rd disk. It is a terminal emulator for PM.
- PM File and Disk Utilities 2.0
- ASH Software
- $35
- #4853
- is a set of functions for manipulating files and directories. The
- functions include text search file search, file deletion, attribute
- changing, displaying disk statistics, and tree deletion. An on-screen
- clock utility is also provided. Requires OS/2 1.3+.
- PM Horoscope 1.0
- Weber, William
- $?
- #4893
- is a planetary calculator for both astrology and astronomy. It works in
- range of 1600 AD to 2799 AD. It includes Houses for astrological work,
- and Heliocentric Coordinates.
- PmMath 2.3
- Baudin, Brett
- $20
- #12218
- is a sort of math flash card program for OS/2.
- PKWare, Inc. ASP
- $47
- #2029
- will create and extract compressed and self-extracting archive files under
- OS/2.
- Paramid
- Paramid, Inc.
- $35
- #1749
- is a set of utilities for the OS/2 operating system:
- PARABEEP is a simple program to sound the speaker. It is particularly
- effective when used in .CMD files as an attention getter.
- PARADEL provides global deletion of specified files from one or multiple hard
- drives or floppies.
- PARADISP allows you to browse the contents of a file or a group of files.
- PARAFF is designed to search the specified (or all) hard drive(s) for the
- specified filename.
- PARAHEX will display any file in hexadecimal (dump) format.
- PARAINFO will display both file specific and file system general information
- and allows the volume id to be changed.
- PARAKFST lets you change the keyboard repeat rate and delay time at any time.
- PARAMOVE will move a file from one directory to another. It is NOT a copy and
- delete. It uses the OS/2 DosMove function.
- PARAPKEY prompts for one-character responses in .CMD files and sets ERRORLEVEL
- to correspond to the response given.
- PARASCAN searches for files containing the specified character string. It will
- search one directory or an entire disk.
- PARAZAP allows you to alter the contents of a file much like DOS' DEBUG.
- Terminal Emulator/2 1.24
- Oberon Software
- $73
- #20202 (10-93 CD)
- is a communications program for OS/2 protected mode. It will run in either a
- full screen session or a VIO windowed session. It has four terminal emulation
- modes: raw TTY mode, standard ANSI-BBS mode, an extended ANSI mode called
- ANSI-TE/2, and VT100 emulation mode. The program also recognizes six
- upload/download protocols. Other features include auto redialing, manual
- dialing, round-robin "queue-dialing", and split screen "chat" mode. All 48
- function keys are fully reprogrammable as text macros. This is available
- oi a 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk ONLY!
- Wilkes Editor for OS/2 (WILKED)
- Wilkes, Roger E. ASP
- $45
- #3971
- is an editor for OS2 that works with up to 20 files at the same time with block
- movement between them.
- Wilkes Database
- Wilkes, Roger E. ASP
- $45
- #2133
- is a database program for OS/2 that is easy to set up. All you have to do is
- lay out the screens and answer a few questions. The program allows cross-file
- indexing for rapid access from one file to related records in another file.
- XList OS/2 2.71
- Wood, Gary W.
- $25
- #3281
- allows you to easily view files in subdirectories and execute programs and
- PC-DOS commands. Features include mouse support, file locator, directory tree,
- copy and rename, launch applications, high intensity colors, user defined
- function keys and fonts, the ability to view ZIP/ARC directories, allocation
- memory map, high performance file system support, disk usage statistics
- report, enhanced keyboard support and more. Requires EGA/VGA, a hard drive,
- and OS/2. A DOS version is also included.
- Other features include the ability to take advantage of 12-row video
- modes for vision impaired users; access to LZH files as directories and
- enhanced memory management whereby the program uses 7K when executing DOS
- commands and launching applications; and more.
- ]]]]]